All day today, I wanted to write. I have several articles in draft form and am excited to share them all.. but today went differently.
Now, at 10:34PM, I am getting to sit down and write, and I find myself not wanting to touch those pieces at the moment. Something far more important is bubbling up from within and wants to get out.
Take a breath.
Allow yourself to feel within.
Close your eyes.
Feel the Presence.
Feel Your Self.
Allow Boundless Radiance to overflow and pour gently all around you.
You Are That.
You Are Abundance itself, made self-evident, plain, apparent.
Our word ‘abundance’ comes from Latin’s abundare — to overflow.
But there’s more to it than that.
a- as a prefix means ‘not’ or ‘without’. (i.e. a-pathy)
bund... bond… bound.
-are is the portion of the infinitive that means ‘to’ (i.e. to overflow) in first conjugation verbs in Latin.
to… not… bond.
to be… without… bound.
Abondare… abundance… is:
Duality means everything has an opposite.
Another way of expressing: to overflow… is boundlessness.
Both are Abundance.
Different ways of saying the same thing.
To overflow is to express our inner brilliance by the simple act of existing. You uplift every room you enter just by entering. Your energy is the medicine. You Are It.
Boundlessness is to expand our idea of our Self internally — that we may experience that expanded idea externally as well.
Life is a perfect mirror. It reflects back at us as our external experience all we know ourselves to be within.
As within, so without.
Go within.
Feel Your Self.
I can feel you from here.
And the experience of you is…
You Are That.
Knowing this is more powerful than any belief.
Go within.
Find your Self as That.
I’ll meet you there.